We perform the following economic accounting practices on a project basis to support investment and policy decision-making.
Contact Tom Yoder if you are interested in receiving a proposal from us. We work with you to define the scope and pricing per project.
We design and perform Benefit-Cost Analysis to analyze investment and policy decisions and support the preparation of funding proposals and grant applications. Benefit-Cost Analysis measures the return on investment based on economic productivity and savings. We deliver detailed spreadsheets that support sensitivity analysis to different assumptions and investment scenarios and technical reports that discuss data sources, assumptions and methods, and results.
We design and perform national, state, and regional Economic Impact Analyses to support policy, planning, and investment decisions. Economic Impact Analysis measures the result of an investment's or policy's change on economic indicators that result from increased economic productivity and savings. Our methods allow for local purchasing methods based on buy-local, current trade, or industry location pattern preferences back through the supply chain and forward through the spending of income.
We design and perform industry contribution studies to support policy and investment and divestment decisions. Industry Contribution Analysis measures the current economic contribution of an industry that could be lost without continuing investment, accounting for total economic activity associated with current investments and policies.
We project the impacts of different investment and policy scenarios on multiple economic decision criteria. The analysis includes creating weighted scores for each scenario using a multi-criteria decision analysis model. These economic criteria can be combined with other social and environmental criteria to support sustainable decision-making.
We provide professional, independent reviews of Benefit-Cost, Economic Impact, and Industry Contribution analysis studies. Our reviews cover issue definition, data sources and validation, selection and implementation of analytic methods, quality control procedures, and reporting formats and content.